MAY 2024 Club meeting

 Blackfoot Piecemaker's Quilt Club
held on May 23, 2024
at the Methodist Church

Jolene Secrist - President
conducted the meeting

The packets for the raffle quilt will be handed out at our June meeting. Members can pick up as many packets as they want.  
Ticket for raffle quilt are $1 each or 6 for $5.

June challenge is to bring a friend to our club meeting.

Rosy and Nancy drew the winning tickets. The persons drawn for our charity donations were:
Linda Michaelson
Brenda Anderson
The baskets above are Elizabeth Baskets. We need  donations of boy items. 
(Things in boy colors)

This is a display for items needed for various charity items we can make.

Show and Tell

Nancy Diaz

Serena Yancey

Jolene Secrist

Janine Shigihara

Rosy Neitzel

Alice Elison

Ruth Blackador

Lori Jarmin

Sharon Horne

Sandra Shelley

Joyce Lewis

Pat Neilson

Marty Freeburne

Renae Bentley

Candy High

Linda Michaelson

Madge Lindsay

LeeAnn Dreher

Terilee Jacobson

Donna Munk

Delis Orr

Trudy Stubbs

Diantha Hatch

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