Quilt Club Programs

Block of the Month
This is presented by a different member volunteer each month.  A pattern for the
block is given to those attending the meeting;  sometimes special instructions are
given.  Members can make these blocks, one per month, or any amount they
wish and then have enough for a quilt at the end of a year.  The theme of the
monthly blocks is usually chosen by club members prior to the beginning of a year.

There will be a short demonstration or tip on an aspect of quilting presented at
meetings throughout the year.

Show and Tell

Show an item or tell about a quilt related topic at every meeting or pay a 25
cent fine.  State your name, tell who quilted it and tell a little about it.

Special Classes (Extra Meetings)

Sometimes there will be enough interest in a specific project that it will warrant
having an all-day class.  When this occurs, we schedule a day for the class, usually
on the second Thursday of the month.  The club charges $5.00 for classes.  If the
class requires a kit, then the fee will be higher, reflecting the cost of the kit.  For
outside teachers that are paid, we charge an extra $5.00 above the cost of the
class for non-members.

Friendship Blocks

The Piecemaker's club has a friendship block program which you may choose
to participate in, if it appeals to you.  After belonging to the club for a year, you
can become eligible to have the club memebers make a block for you.  The
blocks are made from a theme fabric that you provide and may be no larger
than 12 1/2 inches, (12 inch finished size.)  To be eligible you must participate
in the making of blocks for other people, attend most of the club meetings and
participate in club activities (Elizabeth basket, fair tickets, raffle quilt, etc.)

Elizabeth Baskets

This project was begun by a Piecemaker's member (Marietta Womack) and
is sanctioned by the Blackfoot Ministerial Association.  Every month two
baskets filled with items useful to the parents of newborns are given to
Bingham Memorial Hospital.  Piecemakers' has agreed to provide the baby
quilts for this project.  You may also donate other necessary items needed
(onesies, booties, burp cloths, etc)

Opportunity Quilt

Every year the Piecemakers' make a quilt to use as a raffle item.  Individuals
sell tickets and we also sell at the Eastern Idaho State Fair.  We usually have
it ready for quilting in February or March.  Blocks for the following year's
quilt are made during late Spring and Summer.  The chairperson puts them
together during the winter and we are then ready for quilting early in the
year again.  At this time, the board will decide whether to hand quilt of have
it machine quilted.


The club maintains a lending library of quilting books, magazines and patterns. 
Books and all other library materials may be checked out by members only
for a month period.  The materials must be brought back in to be returned or
renewed at the next meeting.  The librarian will call the person to remind them
of their late books after the second month and thereafter until the books
are returned.

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