February 24, 2011 meeting

Today our meeting was themed around the President's Day holiday.  We
were served a yummy cherry dessert as we arrived.  We had a drawing
for three cherry fabric apron kits and one fat quarter of cherry fabric.
The winners for the aprons were:  Sally Strawn, Louise Harrington and
Garnalee Harrington and the fabric went to Peggy Wareing.  Congratulations!
We also had a wonderful time getting to know our new president,
Julia Wareing.  This will be something we will do each month.  Connie
Tabor will draw a name from the members and contact them for the
next meeting.  Then they will have an opportunity to share something
about themselves so that we can get to know each other better.  The
board decided to give the money earned from the EISF raffle quilt to
a new project, the Blackfoot Community Garden which will be out
by the airport.  Two quilt shows were announced, April 2 & 3 in Twin
Falls, Idaho and May 12-14th at the ISU Idaho Falls Student Union.  There
will be vendors, block challenges, and raffle quilts.  Plan on attending.
Betty Watt donated some fabric for charity quilts with the stipulation
that they be brought back to our club for our charity quilts.  Mary Woods
reminded us of upcoming classes:  March 10th , technique class by
Connie Tabor-$5.00 and Buggy Barn class by Madge Lindsay on
April 7th-$5.00 +$18.00 for book.

A yummy cherry desert made by Mary Woods

Peggy Bendish gave a demonstration on how to make a
Cathedral Window quilt.  This is a handsewn quilt as you go and
when you have the size you want it is complete.
If you would like the pattern google Quiltzine.com and
look for free patterns or
This was a beautiful quilt Peggy, thanks!

I'm sorry if you missed the meeting today.  We had a wonderful time
getting to know our new president-Julia Wareing.  We learned alot
of fun facts about her as well as a wonderful show and tell of
the quilting projects she has done over the years. 

Here are a few of the highlights:
~Born:  April 19 in Idaho Falls to Amy & Duane
~Grew up in Firth(her great grandfather founded Firth and her family
donated land for the Firth cemetery.)
~Youngest of five children
~She shared with us that her birth certificate lists her as
Tamara Mae, but her grandfather wanted her named after his mother, Julia
so when her father blessed her in the LDS church, he gave her the name
of Julia Nylene
~Married Randy Wareing on September 15, 1977
~They have raised four children, adopting their youngest
~six grandchildren
~stay at home Mom, except for 6 years she worked at Sewtique
~She shared that her maternalgrandmother had a love for crocheting
and she learned that craft from her.  Her paternal grandmother taught
her to embroider and her mother taught her to recover old worn
out quilts and sleeping bags and tie them.
~She hand sewed barbie doll clothes
~At the age of 12, she sewed her first item on the sewing machine
a brown twill jumper
~In 2000 she started to really quilt and hasn't stopped!

Her mother taught her to recover worn out quilts

Julia designed and embroidered this baby quilt

Julia started out with rag quilts

This was one of her most challenging first quilts.  She quilted
it on her domestic sewing machine

This table runner was one of her first quilting projects

This quilt was made from a jelly roll.
This quilt was made for a niece who loves the fish theme

This was a Christmas star quilt she designed

This wall hanging/quilt was made for her mom.  She told her
mom it had to be used or she wouldn't make her another one.

This is a golf themed quilt she made for her father.

Another quilt she made for her mother ( her mom claims she
never gets any quilts...mmmm)

This quilt was made from  a layer cake made for her nephew.

This astrology theme quilt she made for her son, Ethan.
It glows in the dark and she made a matching pillow case.

This beautiful purple and tan quilt is on her bed and was
made from a Homestead Hearth pattern.

This wall hanging was made from a charm square packet.

Julia and Stacey McClellan designed this heart wall hanging

Julia is ambitious and making a table runner for each month.

This is her latest quilt which she gave to her husband.
It is made from  Dick and Jane fabric to remind him of his early reading days.

Show & Tell

Garnalee Harrington made some pillowcases and
donated to the club.

This quilt was made by Nan Harrison and donated to the Elizabeth basket.

Garnalee Harrington also made several quilts she
donated to the Elizabeth basket.

Tiffany Lamb's friendship block for
Marilu Walc and below she completed a UFO
that she gave to her husband for Valentine's day
The pattern is True Lovers Knot

Tiffany Lamb made this wallhanging that
she is donating to the Idaho Falls quilt show
for a drawing.

Connie Tabor made this beautiful quilt for her grandson.

This quilt was made by Connie Tabor which will be donated
to Zonta for their raffle quilt at the fair.

Debbie Miles made these two quilts and is donating them
to Search and Rescue to raffle.

This is Tricia Poyner's Round Robin project
the center was pieced by Debbie Miles.
This is Betty Watt's Round Robin project.
This is Debbie Miles Round Robin project, center
pieced by Tricia Poyner.

Sally Strawn made this adorable Snowman wallhanging.

Ann Faulkner finally completed her Kim Diehl quilt.
Her friend that quilts for her now has Lou Gerhig's disease
so it took him a while to quilt it which makes it even more precious.

Lynn Williams made this block from a pattern from
Sherri Howard's book.

Doris Coffey made this beutiful quilt from the block of the month
patterns from 2009.

Joyce Brower completed her Scrappy Gretchen quilt.
Her husband said, "If you don't get dizzey before you get under
it, you'll be okay."  I personally thought it was gorgeous.

New member, Kimberly Maroney made this
for her brother's new baby.  They are living in
Italy so she appliqued "Hi, I'm new here" in
Italian.  She translated from the internet, she
said, " I sure hope it's translated correctly!"

This is Linda Townsend's block from the Marsha McCausky class.

Dee Bowman made this wool applique block
and the table topper below for the Snake River Music Dept.

Madge Lindsay completed her table runner from the Kim Diehl class.

Madge made this charity quilt at the Charity Quilt Sew Day.

Madge's daughter had bought this fabric and a pattern to
make this quilt and got so busy she never got it done.  So
Madge said if she would get her the fabric and pattern she
would make it for her for Christmas.  Her daughter found the
fabric but couldn't find the original pattern she was going
to use so Madge came up with this design, completed the top
for Christmas and just completed quilting it on her domestic
sewing machine.  She is amazing at quilting on her own machine.

Nathaniel and Jacqueline Stansfield completed their blocks for
the raffle quilt.

Mary completed her Kim Diehl table runner and
was comparing a glue spot on the runner to the
frosting she had on her collar from the dessert she made.
Always full of fun.  She also donated her sewing
coat to anyone who wanted it.  She made a new one
which she is wearing.  Great work!

Editha Van Orden made several pillow cases she will be donating.
The wallhanging below she completed at her sister's retreat.

This is Editha's completed Kim Diehl wallhanging from a while
back.  She said it seems she is always about a year and a half
behind.  I think that is pretty good compared to some of us
that have 5, 10, 20 year old projects still to do.

Linda Beauvais completed her Kim Diehl table runner from
the class she took earlier this month.

Helen Keiser and her daughter designed this oriental quilt design
with a dragon on the top and bottom.  Helen and her sister,
Tricia Poyner will be moving to Salem, OR next week.
We'll miss their company and talent.  Good luck to the both of you.

Joyce Lewis also completed her Kim Diehl project.  Below
she completed two quilts for the Elizabeth basket.

Joyce Lewis' granddaughter came early so she wasn't able to share
with us the quilt she made, but showed us the pattern.
Congratulations on your new granddaughter.

Joyce, Mary McCullough and Margaret Peterson got together
and had Madge Lindsay refresh their memory on the binding
technique she taught last year, by binding these wall hangings.

Joyce was busy this month, she had alot of projects to share.
This quilt was from the American Patchwork magazine.  She
said there were probably over 500 pieces.  It was absolutely
gorgeous.  Nice work!

Barbara Tatum pieced this quilt and it was machine quilted
by Connie Tabor.

Audrey Ebarhard made and donated some pillowcases.

Audrey was the lucky winner of the quilt that the club donated to
the Lutheran Church.  They raffled off the quilt and made $600.00
Shirley Hoover reported.  Now she can't whine anymore that
she never wins anything.  Congratulations Audrey!!!!

Editha Van Orden shared a poem with us that was very humerous.
Here it is ladies!!

If My Body Were A Car...
I would be thinking about trading
it in for a newer model.
I've got bumps, dents & scratches
on my finish and my shine is a little dull.
But that's not the worst of it...
My headlights are a little out of focus and
my traction is on the skid, for I slip, slide &
bump into things no matter what the weather.
My fuel rate burns inefficiently while it
takes me hours to reach my maximum speed.
My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins.
And the very worst of it is--
almost every time I sneeze, cough or sputter,
either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires!!!

Thanks Editha for making us laugh.


1 comment:

  1. Serena, you are amazing!!! You are doing such a great job with this, I love it! Stacey
